Lynn Marie Stewart describes herself as an incessant cheerleader and “Lifeprenuer” who gives her all and believes you can have it all. Possessing grace and poise, she’s a free-spirit who at her core exudes passion for influencing and improving her community and celebrating the passions and dreams of those around her.
As a wife, mom and business coach for entrepreneurs (who’s always looking for more GOOD HANDS in the community- I’m hiring!) she uses her experiences as a pro- cheerleader, fundraiser, model and MBA graduate to motivate, impact, and encourage others to perform at the top of their potential and LIVE IT! Lynn Marie created CEOMomWifeLife, a lifestyle company that promotes experiences that support and celebrate the mom and wife who is “Chief Everything Officer” of managing a home, social life, and business. “A Momprenuers Mecca!”
Lynn enjoyed a ten year career in non-profit before pursuing her current career in the Insurance Industry. She enjoys all things faith, family, fitness and football, music, writing, traveling and vegan baking. Raising future Kings and reigning as the only Queen in her castle, the “future is female.” Lynn is excited to further the balance of power and opportunities for all women of today and future female leaders of tomorrow. Be sure to follow Lynn on Instagram @ceomomwifelife!